...More about me
Pastor Jed
Seeking to Equip

I am passionate about God's Word! It equips us for life, introduces us to the LOVE and GRACE of an amazing all powerful God.
Too often people do not know or understand what they believe. This often leads them to follow whatever "sounds" best at the time. The struggle is that it takes time to sit down and think through what you believe. Please CLICK MORE DETAIL to read what I believe... because it does matter!
Too often people do not know or understand what they believe. This often leads them to follow whatever "sounds" best at the time. The struggle is that it takes time to sit down and think through what you believe. Please CLICK MORE DETAIL to read what I believe... because it does matter!
I share a whole lot more about myself on my Pen & Paper area of this site. Thank you for taking time to visit and get to know me a little better. As you get to know me, my prayer is that you discover what is most important to me. You can see this above in WHAT I BELIEVE. In short:
I am a child of the Almighty God, brought into His family by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and through the power of His resurrection three days later. I am the husband of an amazing woman and my best friend Lisa. Aside from trusting Christ as Savior, she is the best decision I have ever made. I have the honor of being a father to three children and I strive to raise them according to God's Word. I make mistakes, but love them more than I ever thought I could love. I am also humbled to be called a pastor. I have the distinct honor of serving as an under-shepherd of our Great Shepherd, ministering to His people and serving them, and equipping them in God's Word for the work of ministry.